Dr. Marchese considers the body as a harmonious whole. The proper functioning of all body systems and organs are brought into consideration in the process of healing. Treating the underlying cause of illness is the only way to reach sustainable, lasting well being, and Dr. Marchese always works to discover the true cause of disease.

Meeting severity with severity and treating with a least invasive to most invasive approach, the most optimal protocols are established for each individual, that address the patient where they are at and strive to create a sustainable and lasting change that promotes lifelong wellness.

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The Therapeutic Order

The least invasive to most invasive approach is rooted in the Naturopathic philosophy. Palliative care is used when needed to alleviate any suffering. Establishing the foundations of health and lower order interventions are implemented concurrently with the level that you need.

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Naturopathic Principles

Do no harm

The healing power of nature

Identify and treat the underlying causes

Doctor as teacher

Treat the whole person


Naturopathic mental health treatment. Sleep, stress, hormones, gut health, emotional health, brain and nervous system heakth, inflammation as treatment routes to improve mental illness

Dr. Marchese practices from an Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size approach.

Mental health is affected from many avenues. The approach to understanding and treatment will involve addressing multiple factors that contribute to the cause and exacerbation of symptoms. Stress, as a main trigger to all mental illness, will be addressed and management techniques will constantly evolve to become optimal and individualized. Sleep, microbiome health, hormone balance, brain health, inflammation and other processes that contribute to the exacerbation of symptoms, will be addressed and improved upon. 

Past trauma, current difficult circumstances and coping mechanisms are often main obstacles to healing. Although naturopathic medicine does address them and will offer tremendous emotional support, these concerns are often treated more deeply with the help of a therapist on a mental health team. Having a psychiatrist on the team is also beneficial, to create a steady baseline and to put out fires. Adding a naturopathic doctor to a mental health team is crucial to overcoming the suffering of mental illness. Let Thyme guide you on the way to better mental health and cognition.